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Hair loss is skilled by all of us at one or the opposite time. To know the causes of hair fall, it is vitally essential to know the structure of hair and its regular progress cycle.

Construction of hair

The hair on our scalp could be divided into two components, the basis and shaft. The basis part of hair is in the pores and skin (epidermis) of scalp. The hair root is surrounded by a pouch like structure called follicle. The bottom of hair root is in the shape of a bulb. This bulb is indented by capillaries and nerve fibers. The cells within the middle of bulb divide. The newly divided hair cells push the previous cells up. The cells which transfer upwards die slowly forming laborious hair shaft.

The hair shaft has three layers the cuticle, medulla and cortex.

Cuticle is the outer layers and protects the inner layers. It's clear. Wholesome cuticle provides a shiny appearance for hair and unhealthy cuticle offers lifeless lookdepression song

Medulla is the innermost layer composed of enormous cells.

Cortex is the layer between cuticle and medulla. This incorporates pigment and keratin. Cortex determines the bulk and strength of hair.

The hair follicle accommodates oil secreting glands which make the hair shiny .Stress and sickness diminish secretion of oil and pigments inflicting graying of hair.

According to Ayurveda the hair is taken into account as a tissue which uses the same vitamins of bone and thought of as a tissue which is fashioned as bi-product of bone tissue.

Regular cycle of hair development.

About 10 % of the hair on the scalp is in a resting part at any given time. The resting hair falls after 2 to three months and new hair starts growing instead. The rising phase continues for 2.25 to six yrs. Throughout this phase each hair grows approximately 1 cm per month. At any given time about ninety% of the hair on scalp might be in rising phase.

Few strands of hair fall because the a part of normal hair progress cycle. But some individuals may experience excessive hair fall which is greater than regular cycle. Excessive hair loss can have an effect on men, girls and youngsters.

Causes of hair loss

1. Hormonal imbalance in women and men: In men excessive concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in hair follicles causes hair fall. In girls hormonal imbalances throughout being pregnant and after delivery trigger hair fall.

2. Excessive amount of sebum in scalp clogs pores of scalp and forestall vitamin to hair follicle.

three. Insufficient nutrition causes hair fall.

four. Stress, worry, lack of sleep, fear and anxiety cause hair fall

5. Lengthy standing diseases like typhoid, viral infections, anemia, surgery and so forth cause general debility which lead to hair fall

6. Some medicines used for gout, chemo therapy of cancer , contraception pills , antidepressants etc cause hair fall

7. Diseases like lupus, diabetes cause hair fall.

8. Tying hair tightly pulls the hair from follicles and trigger traction alopecia.

9. Heredity also causes hair fall.

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