If this looks bleak, you’ll want a SAD lamp. Photo: Francesca Russell/Getty Images

Ah, winter: the time of the year when dark, cold — or, SAD.

While SAD can strike you from the American Academy of Family Physicians found that a disproportionate number of women suffer from the disorder. Dorothy Sit, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University, told the Cut that the disorder likely has to do with the disruption of your circadian rhythm in the winter.

Aside from clinical methods of therapy, one common treatment for SAD is bright light therapy, which involves sitting or working near a light therapy box that gives off a recommended 10,000 LUX. A 2017 study published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease found that after just a single one-hour light therapy session, subjects had “a modest improvement of SAD depression symptoms.” Per Sit’s recommendation, the best way to reap the benefits of light therapy is to sit in front of a SAD lamp for approximately 30 minutes, ideally soon after awakening.

“By implementing bright light therapy in patients’ routines, the idea is that we may be able to reset their circadian rhythm, which may have gotten pushed back more than usual due to light signals,” she told the Cut. “Some people will develop a rapid response, and they can get significantly better in just two to three weeks.”

Even if you don’t have SAD, most peoples’ circadian rhythm gets off in the winter and sitting in front of a SAD lamp can only help. Just be careful if you do have a history of clinical depression or bipolar disorder — psychologists say the lamps can interact with medication or create an exaggerated response, so it’s best for anyone with these conditions to consult with a medical professional first.

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with SAD or you’re simply looking to play around with light therapy, below, the Cut took a deep dive on Amazon into the best 10,000-LUX SAD lamps.

Carex Health Brands Day-Light Classic Plus Bright Light Therapy Lamp

Carex Health Brands Day-Light Classic Plus Bright Light Therapy Lamp

“I got sunshine, on a cloudy day … ” raved one reviewer about this uncomplicated yet handy lamp. With an adjustable height and angle, “this lightweight and easy-to-use” light box has a sleek silver design. Reviewers praised its ability to improve their mood in only a few days.

Verilux HappyLight Full-Size, Light Therapy Lamp

Verilux HappyLight Liberty 10,000 LUX Light Therapy Energy Lamp

With high and low settings, this versatile lamp allows you to adjust the light levels based on how you are feeling. One reviewer would give this six stars if they could. If you’re still not convinced, another wrote, “Now I feel like I’ve been given my life back and am not just half a person for half the year.”

Sphere Gadget Technologies Lightphoria, 10,000 Lux Energy Light Lamp

Sphere Gadget Technologies Lightphoria, 10,000 Lux Energy Light Lamp

This lamp weighs around 1.6 pounds — less than your cat! It also features a built-in timer so you can monitor your sunlight time. Plus, it has over 2,000 mostly raving reviews on Amazon. One previous skeptic wrote, “Yes, this device pulled me out of winter depression. It’s been about a month now and I am reasonably sure it wasn’t placebo effect.”

Aura® Day Light Therapy Lamp

Aura® Day Light Therapy Lamp

Create a makeshift sunny window by mounting this lamp on your wall — a welcome substitute when the sky outside is pitch black at 5 p.m. It also has a sleek design, as one reviewer wrote, “The Aura does look like what might happen if the Apple Store and a Star Wars droid had a baby. It’s clean with no hard edges and pristine white with rounded edges.” Others raved about its timer and adjustable light settings.

Northern Light Technology Flamingo Bright Light Therapy Floor Lamp

Northern Light Technology Flamingo 10,000 Lux Bright Light Therapy Floor Lamp

Put this next to your couch, or your bed, so you can lounge in the morning while absorbing light. “Some have complained about the height, but I have found it a perfect height while sitting in a recliner,” one reviewer wrote. The lamp stands four-feet tall, and has a rotating head. One person even uses the lamp in the spring to “sprout seedlings” — a sign this lamp is the next best thing to actual sunlight.

Duronic SADV1

Duronic SADV1

If you’re someone who likes to add aesthetic value to every aspect of your life, this lamp might be the one for you. With silver metal accents on each side, it would look quite good on your . Plus, it does what it needs to do: many readers say this lamp changed their lives.

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6 Lamps to Help Beat the Winter Blues